Email Marketing Agency

We partner with Klaviyo to provide revenue-generating email marketing services, fuelling your brand's growth.

Email Account Management

Increase your email marketing revenue

‍As a leading ecommerce email marketing agency, we will help your business increase your revenue attributed to email marketing.

We will design and create automated email flows and campaigns to help you retain more customers and maximize your email marketing revenue.

We partner with Klaviyo

Klaviyo is the world's leading email marketing platform for ecommerce businesses. Klaviyo consistently provides a higher return on investment for ecommerce brands compared to other platforms (such as Mailchimp and Sendinblue).

Our team of Klaviyo experts, email designers, and copywriters leverage Klaviyo to maximize your email marketing revenue.

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Email Flow Management on Klaviyo

Automated email flows

We’ll create and design email flows for your ecommerce business. Flows are a series of automated emails sent based on your subscriber's behavior. Once your flows are set up, they will generate revenue for you every month - making flows an excellent investment for your business.

The specific flows we set up for your business will depend on your ecommerce email marketing goals, your products, and your industry.

Our email marketing process

We've incorporated our learnings from managing email marketing flows and campaigns for brands into our email marketing process.

Our email marketing agency has access to many Klaviyo accounts, and constantly identify new ways to improve flows and campaigns. This helps improve our email marketing process, which benefits all of our clients.

1. Onboarding & growth plan

Month 1-2

We start all email marketing projects with a 1-2 hour onboarding session, where you and your team will meet our copywriters, designers, and Klaviyo experts. We’ll take a deep dive into your business, your current ecommerce email marketing performance (if applicable) - revenue generated, deliverability (open, click, bounce, unsubscribe, and spam rates), email send frequency) - your goals, competitors, customers, and roadmap for the next 12 months.

The goal of our onboarding session is for us to fully immerse ourselves in your business since we’ll be acting as an extension of your business when managing your email marketing.

From this initial session, we’ll have agreed on an email growth plan for the next 6 months that we can start implementing right away.

2. Klaviyo setup

Month 1-2

Next, we’ll set up your Klaviyo account. If you’re already using a different email marketing service provider (Mailchimp, Omnisend, Sendinblue, Salesforce, etc.), we’ll seamlessly migrate all of your campaign and subscriber data to Klaviyo.

We’ll segment your audience based on our growth plan. Typically, this involves creating segments based on purchase history for specific products and collections. We’ll also segment your audience based on geolocation so we can send hyper-localized content to your subscribers.

We’ll set up your preference pages so subscribers can easily update their preferences (opting-in, unsubscribing, adding more information to their profile).

Subscribing to your mailing list should be simple and rewarding, so we’ll set up engaging sign-up forms for your website to encourage sign-ups.

Finally, we’ll set up your email compliance, so your emails don’t end up in your subscribers’ spam folders.

3. Activating foundational flows

Month 2-3

While ecommerce email marketing won’t achieve overnight results for your business, we want you to start seeing increased revenue attributed to email as soon as possible.

That’s why we first create the highest-potential (”foundational”) flows. These flows are the Abandoned Cart Flow, Welcome Flow, and Winback Flow.

Our team of Klaviyo experts will brainstorm ideas for each foundational flow (including the type of content to send, the delays between emails, and when to exit subscribers from the flow) and then design flowcharts to present our flow ideas to you and your team.

Once we’ve agreed on the flow ideas, our designers will design the emails for each flow, and our copywriters will write the copy for each email. Then, we’ll turn the flows live, and you’ll start seeing results within 5-7 days (on average).

Let's apply our email process to your business

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4. Quarterly campaign calendar planning & launch of campaigns

Month 2-3

We plan ahead - like three months ahead. We have a collaborative campaign calendar for each project, shared with your team. This calendar will include all important dates (product releases, partnerships, announcements) for your business. Then, our team will brainstorm campaign ideas for the upcoming quarter. You’ll have the final say in every campaign idea being approved.

Once every idea for a quarter is confirmed, our designers and copywriters will create each email campaign.

Typically, brands we work with will send 1-5 email campaigns per week, but this will depend on your business’ list size and your industry - we’ll have decided on a sending frequency in our onboarding session.

5. Monthly reporting

Every month

Every month, our email marketing agency will provide you and your team with a report outlining our performance for the past month. We’ll show how your business compares to other companies in your industry (industry benchmarking), and outline our revenue forecasts for the month ahead. This keeps us accountable and transparent.

Deliverability - the percentage of emails for a campaign or flow email that reached your subscribers’ inboxes - is an essential part of email marketing, so we pay close attention to this metric every month.

6. Setup of additional flows

Month 4-5

By now, your foundational flows will be generating revenue for your business, and we’ll have gathered data on the type of content resonating with your subscribers.

We’ll use this data to create additional flows for your ecommmerce business.

The additional flows we create will depend on your business, your industry and the products you sell. An example of a highly-effective flow we regularly set up is a replenishment flow. The goal of  a replenishment flow is to have customers rebuy a product or products. It’s highly effective for brands selling products in the food & beverage, health & wellbeing, and pet industries - since these products need to be replenished after use.

A post-purchase thank you flow is another excellent flow for keeping customers engaged after purchase. We’ll send a personalized thank you email to your customers (differing based on how many past purchases a customer has made), with follow-up emails promoting similar products to those they have purchased.

Our process for creating flows is always the same: brainstorming the flow content and journey (ideation), designing flowcharts to map out the journey (prototyping), discussing the flowcharts with you and your team (discussion), and then implementing the finalized flow logic (implementation).

7. Ongoing optimization & reporting

Every month

Every month, we’ll review your flow and campaign performance to identify opportunities for improvement. For flows, this typically involves setting up a split (A/B) test to test if a specific variation of the design or content (including subject line) of an email within a flow will perform better than the current email. Also, we may test different time delays within email flows (send a specific email after 5 days instead of 7 days) to compare results.

For campaigns, it involves split (A/B) testing subject lines and the content within emails to see what performs best for your audience. Our goal is to generate as much revenue as possible from your email marketing, so we’re always focused on making as many incremental improvements as possible.

Email marketing FAQs

What are the benefits of email marketing?

The main benefits of email marketing are customer retention and engagement. Email marketing allows you to retain more customers by engaging them through automated email flows and campaigns. Furthermore, email marketing keeps your audience engaged - since they'll receive regular emails from your brand in their inbox.

How much does an email marketing agency cost?

The cost of an email marketing agency will depend on the services you require. For email campaign management, you will pay a monthly fee (and sometimes a percentage of revenue generated in addition). For flow creation, an email marketing agency will charge you a one-time fee per flow. The cost will depend on the complexity of the flow and how many emails are included in the flow. Some agencies will also charge a monthly management fee to monitor and optimize the flows on an ongoing basis.

Do you offer Shopify email marketing services?

Yes, our email marketing agency works with brands using Shopify. If you're an ecommerce business using Shopify, we can help you increase your revenue from email marketing. Most of our email marketing clients use Shopify for ecommerce.

Do you only use Klaviyo for email marketing?

Yes, we exclusively use Klaviyo when managing email marketing for our clients. If you're already using a different email marketing platform, we will manage the migration of your subscriber and campaign data to Klaviyo.

We are certified Klaviyo Partners and chose the platform for its laser focus on ecommerce.

How long does it take to see results from email marketing?

You will see results within your first month of email marketing. Most email campaigns generate revenue during the day they're sent, and the following day. Email flows typically generate results within 1-10 weeks, depending on the flow type.